work with Alison
1to 1 Writing Coach Sessions
Passionate about nurturing talent, Alison offers developmental writing services, group coaching classes and retreats specifically designed for spiritual individuals answering the call of soul projects, unlocking their full potential as storytellers. For those seeking personalized guidance, she also provides private coaching sessions, guiding aspiring authors through the intricate process of spiritual writing and publishing.
What you should know before you book a session
Developmental Writing Programs
No matter, what kind of book you want to write, if you want it to be the medicine that resolves your past, or if you wish to log your wisdom to jump others over 1,000 miles of unnecessary pain, the field of wisdom you need to access is probably not the story you think it is. In well over a decade of coaching, I have discovered that writing guided by a greater purpose reveals the true heart of any matter if we have the fortitude to write our way all the way home to the universal truth at the heart of our most personal challenges.
You see, each one of us is made of stories, and these stories don’t belong to us alone, even if we have had to bear them, like millstones around the throats of our souls, all by ourselves. The stories swirling around in your body, those stories belong to thousands, whose existence has led to the actualization of your glorious, painful and precious life.
Your gifts, your talents, your torments: Tthey do not come from nowhere. It’s not enough to just write about what happened. Iit’s not enough to just write about to whom something has happened. At Write With Spirit, our pens are an archaeological tool, our notebooks, filled with compasses and symbols and languages that we do not know. The story of your life, or the lessons you have gleaned from the story of your life, that you wish to put into a book come from the story of the world’s soul.
You are mythical. No less strange and beautiful than the most majestic angel, the most beautiful dragon, the mysterious mist that rolls in off the ocean and breathes upon the doorstep of your balcony, which it hides under its cloak at 5AM.
What meta-myth does your life serve? What are the stories of the stardust and the dirt that you have been invented to express, release, heal, push forward into the next chapter? Upon what truths are you sitting that you don’t yet even know?
For some people, writing a book can feel extremely overwhelming and daunting without a guide and some scaffolding. If your book is a soul project, then it might feel like you are lost in a great dark sea of stories and characters, real and imagined, under cosmic violet skies colliding with the power of earth and body asking you to receive and reveal mysteries and secrets the world needs back. Only you can tell the story, or share the knowledge from the historic records etched into every cell of your body.
You cannot curate every story into one product. Many writers discover as they begin to reveal the truths that they dare not speak, that there is much more they need to know, in order to satisfy the Muse, the ache in the soul of what is asking for a voice. There are pieces that have gone missing, or were never found. And that’s the true blockade spiritual writers run into when they attempt to create a manuscript.
Over the last 12 years, I have helped many people write their way through some of their hardest life experiences, and some of their most divine experiences. Many have gone on to publish successful books. Some, simply felt healed and complete, and realized that they had no reason to publish it…but every reason to write it. Writing down the truth behind the truth we think we know, liberates us from the bear trap lie. It is then you know that your book is medicine, and you can choose to share it or not.
But for the love of all that is holy, it must be written. Write it for your children, write it for your ancestors. Write it for the generations, looking out at a bleak future. Write it for the starseeds and the witchlings who have no one to guide them. Write it because yours is the voice that the Cosmos has chosen to speak on its behalf. Write it for yourself, and be unburdened.
Read This Before You Book A Session With Me
The work I do is creative-process work that can help clients to deconstruct unhelpful and toxic inner constructs, and replace them with authentically discovered inner resources that can empower radical shifts in perception and circumstances. We turn pain into power and power into art.
This is a process that may have some painful moments, and contains also the potential for ecstatic reunion with the inner, self-guiding power of truth and the freedom that comes from uncovering our authentic selves.
This level of work is not magic and requires deep willingness and commitment to the creating process, which is directed by intention, earnest exploration, and the application of newly learned skills. Many of my clients return to learn the next set of skills required to help them meet their goals, while others may find this work too intimidating for their taste.
Our work requires effort. Commitment. Devotion to life and purpose and aliveness. Compassion is at the core of my style of facilitation, but my work involves the spectrum of not only our own, complete humanity, but also the great imaginal on which our psyches are built, as they apply within the context of your goals. Magical writers must come to the true core of the meta-myth and message their books represent.
My work is not a way to bypass the painful parts of ourselves, but to approach them with curiosity, non-judgement and integrated understanding as part of a creative process. Often what clients refer to as blocks to creating the lives they want are behind them, not in front of them.
If you are considering booking a session with me, I have gathered some guidelines to help you determine if I am the right facilitator for you. Being honest with yourself in your assessment is in your best interest.
People who benefit most from my work
(1) Have already given themselves devoted time for self-inquiry and awareness, with the assistance of other professional facilitators for a long enough period of time to develop a strong psychological foundation.
(2) Are willing and able to trust the process and journey we agree to take together, suspending judgement until enough work has been put in by the client to manifest inner and/or outer results.
(3) Have understanding that creative and spiritual work does not need to look like, feel like, or behave like more conventional approaches. (And it probably won’t).
(4) Are aware that real and lasting change takes time, practice, dedication and willingness to see ourselves with more fullness. Even, if not especially, the parts and patterns in ourselves that are not pretty in order to overgrow previous restrictions and limitations.
(5) Are highly creative, purpose driven, and are in the process of making the unique way forward to fulfill higher actualization.
(6) Are free of expectations about what you want to hear and how, in exchange for what your spirit needs you to hear, and how.
(7) You are committed to a process of writing and creating as a practice for transformative perception, growth, and actualization.
(8) You’re looking for mentorships in my areas of expertise.
(9) Have read this document in its entirety before booking a session.
This work may not be right for you at this time if:
(1) You want to “fix your life” (or build your business or write your book) in one session or one day.
(2) You believe that your facilitator will do the work for you.
(3) You are still highly reactive as a result of unresolved emotional traumas and have not or are not under the supervision/treatment of a practitioner licensed by the state to diagnose, cure or treat any disease. (Spiritual and creative facilitation can create powerful effects for our psyches).
(4) You are substituting our creative work for a self-identified need for the support that psychological or mental health counseling services provide. While creative writing can be deeply therapeutic, I do not provide therapy of any kind, nor am I licensed by the state to do so.
(5) You are seeking validation and comfort over new awareness and growth.
(6) You are unable to take responsibility for your journey and want a guru or savior (of which I am neither).
(7) You are in the habit of lashing out at your facilitator when provided with information that challenges previously held convictions, beliefs and triggers. (This behavior is not tolerated, and is covered in our terms and conditions for work).
(8) You’re looking for someone specializing in entity removal.
(9) You’re looking for a friend instead of professional facilitation.
(10) You have a love-and-light informed expectation of sweetness and cuteness that encourages denial of the issues at the heart of the matter. i.e. avoiding shadow work
(11) You do not have the funds to invest in your growth at this time.
As a facilitator, it is important for me to see my clients get results, and for that to happen, clients must be willing and able to do what is necessary to get what they say they want. Since I am not a genie, I will ask you to commit to a process of excavation, awareness, curiosity, presence, imagination and creativity.
This approach is not for everyone. It is more important to have ready and qualified clients in smaller numbers than waves of many individuals I cannot assist because they are not yet ready for this level of work, time, study and commitment.
Please also be sure to look over the Terms and Conditions section of this website, as well as the release form required to enter into mentorship with me.
If you’re ready to rock, just press the button, baby!
Memberships available
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a classroom setting.
This virtual space for a community of like- minded writers just like you. Learn new and spirit filled writing skills, gain feedback on your writing, get discounts on other services, and so much more. With a multitude of writing covens to choose from you’ll not only enhance your writing ability, but heal your spirit. For more information on how to join, click to access the membership page.