Soul Writing Sundays
Feeling disconnected? Disenfranchised? Like you don’t fit anywhere you go? Are you trying to find your center, or your north star? Have you tried asking yourself?
Soul writing Sundays is about connecting with a great mystery, and then writing about it. We will walk with our souls, we will witness the sensations in our bodies, we will call on higher forces, we will spirit walk our ways into the place where we keep our hagstones and scrolls .
Or perhaps the cave of wildness, where The She wolf howls. The cathedral in your heart. Maybe to a distant star where the skies are purple and the people are blue. Maybe to the thoughts that are living in your body. Perhaps to the child who didn’t understand.
This is a writing group like no other. Facilitated by best selling authors, Alison Nappi proud neurodivergent, mystical empath, and mother.
Join our writing coven with a month-to-month membership.
Enter the field of creative flow.
Feel the aliveness underneath what is numb. Come to know more about what you know. Commune with the orphans of the Galaxy.
Come and go as you please. Be joyful in the reunion of soil and Sky.
Be the conduit of of a brilliant truth, that shines in the core of who you are.
Membership starting at $197.00
Tiny Book Class
Virtual Coven
Online Membership
If you’re a spiritual healer, psychologist, consultant or facilitator, your tiny book can make a big impact on your coaching practice.
A tiny book is a book that is only 10,000–-15,000 words, and it serves your clients and your spiritual business in so many ways.
A tiny book can be a paperback book, as well as a multi-media e-book that guides your clients through your signature program, your course, workshop or process.
A tiny book gets the attention of people who are interested in the topic and process in which you are an expert. It introduces you and your work to a new audience. It can help the people who are looking for you; find you.
A tiny book is a great way for spiritual bloggers to organize and monetize the countless hours of spiritual and creative labor that they have generously given away for free. It gives your tribe a chance to show their love, support and appreciation for your work.
A tiny book can help you establish the credibility you’ve earned in your field of expertise.
A tiny book can help you launch or grow a product line that inspires, uplifts and excites your audience.
A tiny book only takes weeks to write; not years.
You can craft the content for low- content publications like process journals.
4 session
4 weeks
1 powerful Tiny Book!
Spiritual Memoir CLASS
Your story is important, and the spiritual memoir is a deep dive into the meaning and purpose of our experiences. It explores the mysterious way we become who we are, the forces of nature, of nurture, of darkness and lightness, suffering and redemption. At the wild and throbbing heart of the deeply personal, is the Universal. The spiritual memoir is crafted with respectful exploration of these themes.
Your story is one critical piece of the collective myth we share. It is a myth so great, so furious and wide and profound, that we need more than seven billion people to uncover it. We need you to teach us. Let us sit at your feet and discover the magic that being you has unearthed. Let us heal in the circle that begins and ends with you, and you alone.
Do your part, by knowing what is yours to know. Do your part, by giving what you have received. Do your part to end the great secret by contributing your valuable perspective, your earnest struggle, your triumphant return from the singed ends of the earth, from the unforgiving abyss.
The miracle you carry with you must be birthed. It has been given to you so that it may find form in the world.
Start your week off right with our four month Memoir Monday’s Workshop. Join an intimate group of vetted women writing from the soul of our experiences. Share your stories in a container held by the power of the mystery and community in which we can truly be seen, heard, witnessed and celebrated.
This class will:
Keep you accountable to your own goals
Will give you time to work on your manuscript
Provide a community of like-hearted writers
Keep you inspired
Guide you through places where you feel stuck
Give you courage
Teach you the difference between journaling and memoir
Support you and invite you deeper into your own truths
Provide insights and invitations into the stories that make us
Help you execute techniques that
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